

【2024 國北教大校園英文影片競賽】報名開始啦!歡迎組隊報名參加!2024 NTUE Campus English Video Contest

【2024 國北教大校園英文影片競賽】報名開始啦!歡迎組隊報名參加!2024 NTUE Campus English Video Contest

最後更新日期 : 2024-09-12




Do you want to introduce NTUE to your friends?

Don't know how to introduce your academic department to your foreign friends?

Do you wish to practice or improve your filming skills?


一、 活動主旨:2024 國北教大英文宣傳影片徵選比賽 English Video Contest

二、 報名資格Eligible:



NTUE students (including graduate students, CLEC students), students can make up a team to participate, with no limit in the number of partners.

Please fill out the form for participation by October 25, 2024; Send the video to the assigned email account by November 10, 2024


三、 報名時間Scheduled time:

1. 報名Application:~113/10/25 (Fri)

2. 影片上傳Video upload period:~113/11/10 (Sun)

3. 人氣票選Video upload period:113/11/12 (Wed)~113/11/30 (Sat)

4. 得獎公布Result announcement:113/12/6 (Fri)


四、 報名說明Details






Please fill out the application form first (https://forms.gle/VALiiHBw7XvTAVD99),and submit the video by the deadline to the assigned email account (murphyhsieh@mail.ntue.edu.tw).

Students should film the video from their perspective, and introduce their department (students can pick 1-3 departments to introduce), curriculum, and courses, and MUST HAVE A INTERVIEW WITH 1-2 TEACHERS/PROFESSORS AT NTUE. Students can also film their school life, on-campus activities/groups, or introduce the campus environment inside their video, in order to make more people and our overseas partner know more about us.

The video should narrate, introduce in English, and add subtitles in both Chinese and English, the length should be around 3-4 mins.

For the part of the teacher interview, both English or Chinese in okay, but the subtitle should follow the rules above.

We will determine the winner by post on our website, Facebook Fanpage; For First prize: NTD$8,000, Second prize: NTD$6,000, Third prize: NTD$4,000, and list two Excellent prizes.


  1. 第一名1組/獎金新台幣8,000元,及團隊每人獎狀 1 張。
  2. 第二名1組/獎金新臺幣6,000元,及團隊每人獎狀 1 張。
  3. 第三名1組/獎金新臺幣4,000元,及團隊每人獎狀 1 張。
  4. 佳作2組/獎金新臺幣1,000元,及團隊每人獎狀1張。

For First prize: NTD 8,000, Second prize: NTD 6,000, Third prize: NTD 4,000, and for two Excellent Works: NTD 1,000 per group.


或2023 英文宣傳影片得獎作品 https://orad.ntue.edu.tw/p/412-1011-2502.php?Lang=zh-tw

If you don't know how to film, please refer to our university introduction: https://youtu.be/shHiE4vTeqY?si=qZRB0WGdD8QVjMKH or https://orad.ntue.edu.tw/p/412-1011-2502.php?Lang=zh-tw.


六、 如更詳細內容規範請參考本次英文影片比賽簡章,下載資訊於本頁下方。Details are in the attached file.

七、 記得下載同意書,在簽名後與影片同時寄出。Download the forms, sign them and send them with the video.
