



最後更新日期 : 2024-06-25


NTUE Student Buddy Program

你有服務熱忱嗎?Do you have passion to help your fellow students?

想要結識外國朋友嗎?Do you like meeting people from different cultures across the global?

想要成為國際新生的學伴嗎?Interested in becoming a buddy for incoming international students?


If yes, NTUE Buddy Program Needs You!


👉Buddy Program aims to initiate a cultural exchange between international students and the NTUE students, to expand one’s own cultural horizon, as well as the strengthening of intercultural skills and competences.


As a buddy, you can support the new student in so many different ways, including:

  • 新學期開始時,與國際學生一起參與外籍生新生說明會,協助其註冊程序

Meeting the new international exchange student at the beginning of the semester, participating in the International Students’ Orientation together, and assist them to complete the registration procedure

  • 成為國際學生的在地朋友

    Primarily being a friend to the new international student

  • 提供國際學生在台灣生活上的諮詢

    Answering questions of everyday life

  • 帶領國際學生適應校園環境與城市生活

    Showing him or her around the university and town

  • 分享生活點滴

    Sharing your Taiwan life experience over a cup of coffee

  • 協助國際學生課業及學習上的問題(擔任學習學伴之重點工作項目)

Provides consulting services for studying & learning (The main mission for learning buddy)

👉學伴計畫有何好處What are the benefits for you?

 結識國際新友人You will make new friends.

 深度認識異國文化 You will learn from different cultures.

 提升個人諮詢能力You will develop skills to advise and guide fellow students.

 增添履歷表豐富內容You will add something special to your CV. Your future employer may be impressed by your social commitment & team spirit!

有興趣成為學伴計畫一份子嗎? Are you interested in being a buddy?


  1. 申請者請於113年7月10日(三)前填妥申請表(PDF檔)檢附相關證明後,寄至acrd@mail.ntue.edu.tw 信箱,主旨:113-1學伴申請表_姓名
  2. 7月11日(四)公告面試名單與時間,並於7月16日(二)7月18日(四)採線上面試。
  3. 合適者將錄取為正式1. 交換生之學習學伴或 2.交換生之生活學伴或 3. 學位生之生活學伴,國際組將於7月22日於臉書粉專、官方網站及郵件公告錄取名單。※網站:https://orad.ntue.edu.tw/※粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ntuedia/
  4. 另外,學位生之學習學伴原則由各系所推薦,若有意願擔任本校學位生之學習學伴,可留意各系所最新消息。國際組將於學位生名單確立後依照其申請科系委本校系所協助推薦優秀學生人選。
  5. 經錄取之學伴應準時參與7月23日(二)線上學伴說明會(10:30am-12:00pm),將說明學伴應盡之責任與義務、未來活動規劃。

