NTUE Student Buddy Program
你有服務熱忱嗎?Do you have passion to help your fellow students?
想要結識外國朋友嗎?Do you like meeting people from different cultures across the global?
想要成為國際新生的學伴嗎?Interested in becoming a buddy for incoming international students?
If yes, NTUE Buddy Program Needs You!
👉Buddy Program aims to initiate a cultural exchange between international students and the NTUE students, to expand one’s own cultural horizon, as well as the strengthening of intercultural skills and competences.
As a buddy, you can support the new student in so many different ways, including:
Meeting the new international exchange student at the beginning of the semester, participating in the International Students’ Orientation together, and assist them to complete the registration procedure
Primarily being a friend to the new international student
Answering questions of everyday life
Showing him or her around the university and town
Sharing your Taiwan life experience over a cup of coffee
Provides consulting services for studying & learning (The main mission for learning buddy)
👉學伴計畫有何好處What are the benefits for you?
✌️ 結識國際新友人You will make new friends.
✌️ 深度認識異國文化 You will learn from different cultures.
✌️ 提升個人諮詢能力You will develop skills to advise and guide fellow students.
✌️ 增添履歷表豐富內容You will add something special to your CV. Your future employer may be impressed by your social commitment & team spirit!
有興趣成為學伴計畫一份子嗎? Are you interested in being a buddy?