



最後更新日期 : 2023-04-24

📣國北教大國際組一年一度的 #國際大師講座

今年五月,國北教大國際組很榮幸邀請到曾擔任過迪士尼創意總監的Kevin Geiger擔任國際大師講者,分享臺灣創作者如何運用東南亞地區快速成長的優勢,打造具備文化真實性和情感共鳴的作品,建立全球粉絲基礎,擴大國際影響力。


本講座語言:以 #英語進行
4.直播連結:https://meet.google.com/sao-mkmp-hzg (直播將於下午三點半開始)
報名連結https://forms.gle/ZkNktJdo45DArKYL7 (實體座位有限,報名將保留座位,並接受現場報名)


藝術家暨前迪士尼動畫公司創意總監Kevin Geiger,擁有超過三十年的藝術和娛樂產業經驗與十五年亞太地區的生活經驗。他曾任教於加州藝術學院,與北京電影學院Digital Media School特聘教授和代理副院長,並擔任北京電影學院國際動畫與虛擬實境研究中心的執行總監。同時也是臺北藝術大學的教授。Kevin GeigerMagic Dumpling Entertainment的創始合夥人,開發了多部動畫和沉浸式媒體,同時也是Peewee Frog的所有者,創作童書,目前擔任得意創意製作總監,探索實時開發和虛擬製作。

有任何問題,請洽國北教大國際組承辦謝先生murphyhsieh@mail.ntue.edu.tw 02-6639-6688,分機82138


📣 NTUE International Affairs Division is proud to share with you that we're launching our annual event: "A conversation with the master: From Taiwan to the World: New Opportunities for Content Creators" this May.

Come and join this talk by our invited speaker,
Kevin Geiger, former Disney creative executive, three decades of experience in the arts & entertainment including 15 years of living in the Asia Pacific region, to share insights on Taiwanese content creators how to leverage the rapid growth of Southeast Asia and create culturally authentic and emotionally universal works, build global fan bases, and expand international reach.

As global citizens, how can we utilize Taiwan's perfectly positioned to leverage this trend of the rising creative and entertainment industry in Southeast Asia and open new horizons for Taiwanese content creators? Don't miss out on this exciting lecture where Kevin will share his captivating story. There will also be the Q & A session for interactive discussions and exchanges with the speaker. Join us and be inspired!

Language: English
1. Entrance: Open to everyone!
2. Time: 5/9(Tuesday), 3:30-5:00pm, 2023
3. Venue: Y601, 6th floor, Duxing Building, National Taipei University of Education, with simultaneous online live streaming.

4. Live Streaming Link:
https://meet.google.com/sao-mkmp-hzg (Live streaming will start at 3:30 PM)

5. Signup Link:
https://forms.gle/ZkNktJdo45DArKYL7 (Seats are limited, registrations will reserve your seat, and on-site registrations are also accepted)

# The Host
Prof. Tiffany Ying Yu Lin

Director, Division of International Affairs, National Taipei University of Education
Assistant Professor, Department of Children English Education, National Taipei University of Education
# The Speaker

Kevin Geiger has over three decades of experience in the arts & entertainment, including 15 years with The Walt Disney Company as an animation supervisor and creative executive. Kevin was an instructor at Cal Arts, Distinguished Professor & Acting Vice Dean of the Beijing Film Academy’s Digital Media School, Executive Director of the Beijing Film Academy’s International Animation & Virtual Reality Research Center, and most recently, a professor at Taipei National University of the Arts. Kevin has developed animated features and immersive media as a founding partner of Magic Dumpling Entertainment, creates children’s books as the owner of Peewee Frog, and is exploring real-time development and virtual production paradigms as Head of Production at Tellretell.

Contact: Murphy Hsieh, Division of International Affairs:

murphyhsieh@mail.ntue.edu.tw (02-6639-6688, ext. 82138)

112.05.09 國際大師講座 海報縮圖

