




The announcement of entry for New International Students of 2021/2022 Fall semester
updated on October 7th

1. From October 12, the school course will be taught on-site, all activities and events will be held accordingly.



2. According to the latest announcement of CECC and MOE, Taiwan has begun the process for entry of new international students. Please contact us constantly for the renewal information of visa, date of entry, entry procedure, and other related to COVID 19 prevention.

3. Please prepare your verified diploma & transcript and insurance documents for enrollment.

a. 有效護照影本;
b. 經駐外館處驗證之學歷證明文件正本(含成績單);
c. 學生綜合資料紀錄本(紙本);
d. 學雜費收據/繳費證明影本 
另,請同學線上登錄學籍資料(https://reurl.cc/yegnQ2),可聯繫你的學伴幫助 (若無法填寫時,請聯繫我們)。
帳號: 學號
密碼: 西元出生年月日(YYYY/MM/DD)

4. In response to the spread of the pandemic in Taiwan, the school has changed the policy of registration to deliver the document instead, please prepare the following documents to complete the procedure after you finish your 14-day quarantine:
a. Photocopy of valid passport;
b. Original copy and photocopy of verified degree certificate and transcript;
c. Student comprehensive date record table;
d. Photocopy of tuition fee payment receipt
*Pay by credit card / ATM / post office counter / convenient store
Please finish the Student Academic Record online (https://reurl.cc/yegnQ2). You can find your study buddy for help. (If the online form is closed, please let us know).
Account: students ID number

Password: the date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD)

a. 請email您自行購買的保險證明至amywang@mail.ntue.edu.tw(自行投保之醫療及傷害保險,自入境當日起應有至少6個月校期,該保險證明並應經駐外館處驗證)
b. 如您已經持有健保卡,請email您的健保卡照片至amywang@mail.ntue.edu.tw,我們會另外製作您的健保費繳費單,並通知您繳費事宜。如您的公司有幫您辦理健保,則由您的公司繼續幫您辦理,免向學校繳費。
c. 匯款新臺幣3,000元,購買學校提供的基礎醫療保險: http://reurl.cc/AR88Nd
銀行代號: 012
匯款帳號: 411168216920


5. Insurance (choose a, b, or c)

a. Send the insurance certificate purchased by yourself to amywang@mail.ntue.edu.tw.
(The medical and injury insurance should remain at least 6 -months validity. The documents should also have been verified by Taiwan's overseas institutes.)

b. If you already have an NHI card, send the photo of the card to amywang@mail.ntue.edu.tw. We will issue you the NHI payment bill later. If your company has been providing you the NHI, then there’s no need to make the payment to the school additionally.

c. Buy NTUE Cathay Life Insurance (https://reurl.cc/r18DGx ). Transfer NT$3,000 to the following account:
Bank code: 012
Account number: 411168216920

*Keep the record/ receipt of your remittance carefully. After transfer, please send the record/ photo of the receipt and your account number to amywang@mail.ntue.edu.tw.


Freshmen Health Examination: follow the regulation of the school health center, we will inform you later.


Dormitory payment: For the students who applied to the dorm, the payment bill will inform you once it comes out. Please pay attention to the announcement from the Office of Student Affairs (https://dorm.ntue.edu.tw/)





8. CECC maintains Level 2 epidemic alert from October 5 to October 18,  related details are listed below:
A. Venues that meet the disease prevention and management regulations of regulatory authorities are allowed to open, and the following venues should follow related regulations or guidelines: 
1. Video game arcades, Internet cafes, MTVs, KTV clubs (self-service KTV and telephone booth-like KTV), board game cafes, majiang clubs.
2. Religious venues or place of worship:
(1) Pilgrimage groups and dining events are allowed conditionally.
(2) There is no requirement of checkerboard seating in religious venues or places of worship.
3. Dining: there is no requirement of dividers or of a distance of 1.5 meters when eating in food and beverage venues; social interactions such as leaving one's own table to toast other tables are allowed at banquets; rules for serving food to guests are eased in restaurants offer a set menu for a group of people and offer a buffet.
4. Convenience stores can sell hot food items, including tea eggs and oden without the staff providing assistance.
5. TV news anchors do not need to wear a mask when officially filming if they can maintain social distancing from other staff.

B. Starting October 5, people will not be required to wear a mask outdoors in the following situations:
1. People in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and animal husbandry sectors that work in open spaces (such as farm fields, fish ponds, forests and mountains) will not be required to wear masks; however, they should still carry a mask with them and to maintain social distancing from others.
2. People in forests and mountains (including forest recreation areas) and those on the beach will not be required to wear a mask, but they should carry a mask with them and to maintain social distancing from others.
3. In the above-mentioned situations, people will still be required to wear a mask if there is a sudden surge in crowds, or social distancing can't be maintained at the place where you work or interact with others.
4.Other applicable rules from the competent authority should be followed.

C. Venues that should remain closed: Singing and dance venues, nightclubs, clubs, hostess bars, bars, pubs, and beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors).


Resource from: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
